• 1403/01/20
  • - تعداد بازدید: 29
  • زمان مطالعه : 1 دقیقه

Temporal relationships between changes in depression and suicidal ideation: A mediation analysis in a randomized double-blinded clinical trial

Objectives: There is a considerable debate regarding the possible dependence between depression and suicidal ideation treatments. The present study used a novel mediation approach in a randomized comparison of pharmacotherapy and combined therapy to explore whether depressive symptoms mediate the association between treatment and suicidal ideation and whether it depends on the treatment condition.
Design: This study is a randomized, controlled, parallel group (۱:۱), clinical trial using a novel mediation approach for longitudinal data. Latent difference score modelling was utilized to investigate whether changes in depressive symptoms drive subsequent changes in suicide ideation.
Method: Participants were ۹۴ depressive suicidal outpatients who were assessed regarding depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation over the course of an experiment (۰-۲-۷ months). Direct and indirect associations between (change in) depressive symptoms and (change in) suicidal ideation were explored using Pearson's correlations and latent difference score model.
Results: The results showed that depression treatment affects not only suicidal ideation directly but also its influence on suicidal ideation occurs via improvement in depressive symptoms. It was found a more significant effect of combining pharmacotherapy and PPT (in comparison with the pharmacotherapy alone) on the early and late improvements of suicidal ideation (Δ ۰-۲ and Δ ۲-۷) via the early improvement of depressive symptoms (Δ ۰-۲).
Conclusions: The findings indicate that changes in depressive symptoms preceded changes in suicidal ideation. Our results highlighted that improving depressive symptoms could be a primary target in treating patients with depression experiencing suicidal thoughts.
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  • گروه خبری : آخرین مقالات مرکز
  • کد خبری : 98962